Maling Road Massage
Michele McKenna
Remedial Massage Therapist
Massage & Myotherapy

Located within
Maling Road Pharmacy
Treatment Room
121 Maling Road
Canterbury 3126
Bookings and Contact
Phone, email or visit
Maling Road Pharmacy - 9836 4039
Enquiries to Michele - 0432 568 038

Health Fund Rebates Apply
Please contact your Health Fund Provider for eligibility
As an experienced Remedial Massage Therapist
I specialise in the following modalities:
Remedial Massage Therapy
Cupping Therapy
Therapeutic Relaxation
Craniofascial Therapy

Set in comfortable surrounds your massage treatment will be planned and agreed on with you
Treatments are tailored to meet your individual needs which means I will be guided by you throughout the session
I have often found the "no pain - no gain"
philosophy unhelpful in achieving results
My preference is to work with you and incorporate a range of techniques from various other massage modalities
If visiting a professional Remedial Massage Therapist is something new to you I would be pleased to answer
any questions or queries you may have
Please contact me for any further information
If you choose, your massage can be enhanced with the inclusion of a complimentary Aromatherapy oil blend
All blends are steam distilled from plants, are of Therapeutic Grade and approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA)
About Michele
As an experienced Massage Therapist I am caring and professional.
Your massage will take place in a safe and nurturing environment.
My most recent massage experience was working with people aged 70+years.
Their complex massage needs often stemmed from one or more medical conditions or a medical episode. The majority housebound and isolated, reported feeling stressed as a result of COVID lock-down directives.
I discovered the many benefits of massage in my early career as a (stressed-out) bureaucrat - report writing, many meetings, interpreting data - feeling like a small cog in a very large juggernaut !! I'm sure you will find massage a great ally, as I did. It helped maintain health and resilience to balance body, mind and soul.
Like building blocks I have continuously added to my qualifications and learning and have integrated my extended knowledge into my massage practice.
Qualifications and Learnings
- Member Massage & Myotherapy Australia (current)
- Certificate First Aid & CPR (current)
- Manual Lymphatic Drainage for your
Everyday Clinical Practice
(rhythm massage development) 2022
- Massage with Purpose
Massage for People over 65 Years
(Taking Care Mobile Massage) 2021
- Provide Support to People Living with Dementia -
Understanding Alzheimer's
(Alzheimer's Australia Vic. Inc.) 2017
- Certificate in Craniofascial Therapy Levels 1,2,&3
(Australian Craniofascial Therapy School) 2015
- Certificate III Aged Care (Box Hill Institute) 2015
- Reiki Levels 1&2 (Restore Naturally) 2013
- Certificate Ear Candling
(Complete Health & Harmony) 2011
- Certificate Oriental Massage (MIMT) 2008
- Diploma of Remedial Massage (MIMT) 2008
- Certificate IV in Massage (MCNM) 2004
Foundational working areas
- Working with Children with Disabilities
- Public Welfare Practce - Child Protection (DHHS)
- Project Management - Aged Care (DHHS)